The Kick Ass School You’ve Been Waiting For All Your Life
Are you ready to stop beating yourself up with your workouts and start mastering your body, mind, and life?
Through conscious movement you can develop every aspect of yourself: the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional are all different aspects of the same whole.
This is the true path of the ninja; to use movement to become the person you were born to be.
What Exactly Is Ninja Fitness Academy?
It’s a 6 week online coaching course that teaches 12 students how to master their life through movement. You’ll learn the holistic principles of working out, eating, rest, and lifestyle design that are the foundation of real, lasting, sustainable results.
It combines the best of western science with the profound power of eastern wisdom practices; it’s the opposite of the “get six pack abs in 7 minutes” hyper-superficial-fast-food culture that permeates the fitness industry.

I developed Ninja Fitness Academy by distilling my 15 years of experience as a personal trainer into a single kick ass holistic fitness system.
Don’t get me wrong, you’ll be in better shape than ever once you finish the academy, but that’s just a natural side effect of learning how to workout and not the end goal. Ninja Fitness Academy is an adventure, deep self-reckoning, and initiation into the awesome quest of discovering your “inner super hero” – who you really are – through movement, ritual, and holistic lifestyle design.
Who’s This For?
- For “beginners” who are open-minded and open-hearted, and aren’t afraid to explore the emotional and spiritual aspects of movement. If you’ve been working out regularly for 5+ years but are willing to have a “beginner’s mind” than the academy will work well for you too.
- anyone who wants to get better at working out and learn how to develop their body better through movement, food, and lifestyle choices.
- all ages welcome, but NFA was designed specifically for people age 21 to 35.
- You DON’T need to have access to a gym; all you need is your body and a little bit of will power. But if you do have access to a gym, we’ll make good use of it in your program.
- For people who are excited to do creative writing exercises that help them clarify their thinking.
- You must have clear goals and be willing to sacrifice for them. Are your goals worth it? If so, you’ll be expected to invest 1 hour per day and $7 per day for six weeks in a row so you can achieve those goals.
- Ninja Fitness Academy works exceptional well for addicts. Whether it’s illegal drugs, prescription drugs, sex, gambling, anxiety/fear, or just email and digital addiction, all addictions light up the same area in the brain and all of them are attempts to fill a “psychological hole”, a void of meaning and satisfaction in one’s life. So if you only focus on the addiction and not on that hole, you’re not getting to the root of the problem. As a recovered addict myself with 12 year of sobriety under my belt, I can attest to just how well empowerment through movement helps to fill that void from within.
Be prepared to step outside your comfort zone – that’s where all the magic happens
And please note: This is not a silver bullet – It’s an online coaching program that will help you take control of your body, mind, and life.
Here’s What You’ll Get Exactly:
- Ninja Fitness Academy Online Course. It’s a step-by-step curriculum that allows you to learn and master the most powerful principles of holistic lifestyle design. There are 5 modules which you can read on your computer or smart phone.
- Ninja Academy Progress Tracker PDF. Each module in the academy has “Ninja Missions” – writing exercises, movement experiments, and secret ninja techniques to be completed at your own pace. You track your progress with the “Ninja Progress Tracker” – every time you complete a mission you check off the box and it automatically gives you points.
- A Customized “Ninja Fitness Quest” PDF – your own workout program, based on your unique skills, goals, abilities, and resources. Together we’ll out line specific behaviors that will earn you points for each step you take so you can track your entire fitness adventure.
- Weekly Ninja Fitness Coaching Call – a 60 minute semi-private, live coaching call for all 12 Ninja Fitness Academy students. Each student gets to share their success and challenges from the previous week, and ask specific questions about the course.
- Ninja Office Hours – every Friday from 2:30 – 3pm EST you can get your personal questions answered during a live video conference call.
You Give Me 6 Weeks, I’ll Give You The Keys to Total Life Domination
Because I want you to live your dream and become the ninja you were born to be. Here are some likely results that other students have experienced:
- you’ll feel absolutely amazing, strong, and sexy in your body.
- and because of that, you’ll be super confident in your mind too: in the gym, outside, at home, in bed, wherever. You will be more confident and daring.
- and if that’s not enough, you’ll learn simple, gentle exercises for boosting your immune system, avoiding disease, and recovery quicker and deeper in between workouts. So you’ll feel amazing in your body, NOT like a punching bag.
But Most Importantly…
You’ll be taught simple and easy to understand principles that will allow you to fall in love with the process of developing yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually. That way, you can keep developing your innate abilities for the rest of your life.
The Next Ninja Fitness Academy Starts In October 2015
We’ll meet online every Tuesday at 8pm EST for 6 weeks in a row for a live conference call. You read the module for the week before the call, and then on the call you’ll share both your progress and challenges, get your questions answered, and even help the other ninjas too!
- Oct. 13th – Module 1: Making Fitness A Fun Adventure
- Oct. 20th – Module 2: Mastering Physical Force
- Oct. 27th – Module 3: Mastering Your Relationship to Food
- Nov. 3rd – Module 4: Mastering Rest, Stillness, and Regeneration
- Nov. 10th – Module 5: The Way of the Ninja
- Nov. 17th – Catchup Week and Completion Ritual
And if you have a webcam, we’ll be able to see you too! But it’s not necessary to have a webcam to participate, you just need internet access and the ability to open a PDF.
Still Not Sure If Ninja Academy Is Right For You?
Look, I get it, it all sounds good but you want to make sure it’s the right fit for YOU. Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions about NFA to help you make the best decision. But the simple truth is that if you’re ready to live a whole-hearted life, sacrifice your fears and excuses, deepen your love and respect for your body, embrace your destiny, and claim your spiritual and physical birth rite as a human, than this is the right frickin’ program for you.
Do You Offer a Money Back Guarantee?
Yup. 100%. Yes, you can test drive Ninja Fitness Academy for 30 days, 100% risk free. Our mission is to help you realize your full potential through movement. If you feel we haven’t delivered on our promise within 30 days, we’ll happily refund your money.
Important Note: We require your completed Ninja Missions from Module 1, 2, and 3 to process your refund. Why? Because we know if you take action, you’ll get real results fast. If you do the work but don’t get the value, we don’t deserve your money. Just submit your
completed work within 30 days of the start date of the program and we’ll happily refund you.
What Do Previous Students Have to Say About the Academy?
“I loved the weekly conference call with you and the other ninjas. It was super inspiring to hear their challenges and successes. It was like getting a turbo boost to dive deeper. Plus, it was an easy to connect that way – I could stay at home in front of my computer and did’t have to travel.” ~ Alexandra D.
“Knowledge, awareness, freedom. Those three words sum up my Academy experience. When I first started on this journey I was excited to get motivated to workout again. I never expected what came next. I actually became excited about being fit and healthy again. The main goal became to feel good, not about losing weight or attaining specific strength benchmarks although both soon followed. Then the most surprising thing happened. The combination of this new found knowledge and awareness lead to a huge sense of freedom. No longer did I feel constrained to old exercise myths or routines or overly burdensome and rigid schedules or the oppressive goals of losing X amounts of pounds. NFA made me do things I’ve never done before but made it feel safe. That made it so much easier to challenge myself and be open to new things with that little bit of guidance and support to get over that hump of trying something new. On the tangible side I achieved my physical strength test goals of increasing my pull up max to 10 from 5, my push up max from 25 to 40. But more important for me was that I made movement a bigger part of my daily routine and I learned a ton about what it means to be fit and exercise.” Evan B.
“Ninja Fitness Academy helped give me some much needed focus and discipline. I also was able to do pull-ups by the end (unassisted) for the first time ever. It felt really nice to see real progress. I overall feel better about myself and have a bit more confidence. I was surprised that I enjoyed the phone calls. Originally, I was apprehensive about sharing my experiences, but it was encouraging to hear others’ journey and interesting that there were many overlaps.” ~ Milene Jardine
“Jonathan is a masterful trainer with a sacred mission: to help us evolve with integrity, strengthen with alignment and become more conscious of how we move – both in our workouts and in our daily lives. His wisdom has enriched my practices and revolutionized how I care for myself. Let him help you design your relationship to your body.” ~ Elena Brower
“Jonathan is an amazing soul and teacher. He makes everything feel so doable that you can almost feel your Ninja spirit energizing your whole body. I enjoyed the well-structured content of the course, as well as the missions. They have been very helpful in guiding me on my journey of transformation. The calls are very good reminders that I am not alone, that everyone in the group goes through stuff every day and hearing everybody share their challenges and successes has helped me be more gentle on myself. Being part of this program has helped me understand that it’s only up to me to make changes in my life. And that smaller steps are so much better than no steps!” ~ Lucia M.
“My ninja Fitness Academy experience has been transcendent! It has completely shifted the way I approach and understand exercise and movement, allowed me to find a deeper connection to my inner strength (mental and physical) and inner truth – to act from my most genuine self. I’ve become more honest in terms of my physical limits (knowing how hard to workout) and mental blocks (those stories I tell myself and harmful beliefs I hold as fact which are actually thought patterns I can alter). I truly feel I am now on the path to deeper self-knowledge, discovery, honesty, health, creativity, and ninja bad-ass living!” ~ Carolyn F. K.
“I entered this Ninja Fitness program confused and a little apprehensive, I hadn’t committed to a workout program in several years. But I was intrigued from the very start that this was more than just a program to develop my body. The Academy has taught me some very valuable tools. The first thing I really had to come face to face with was my own relationship with food. This was hard for me because I never really asked myself those questions before. I realized how much my own fears have controlled my life, and learned I really just have to tell those voices in my head to shut up sometimes. They only make things harder for me, especially when I let them defeat me before I start. The missions in this program have giving me a much better understanding of how to overcome this internal resistance.” ~ Josh P.
Do I Need a Web Cam?
Nope, you don’t even need a computer, you can just call in. However, if you use your computer to connect to our online meetings, you’ll be able to see my face coming to you live via web cam. So don’t freak out And if you do have a webcam, you’ll be able to be seen too!
Can You Please Make Me Feel Awesome About Joining the Academy?
Sure! 10% of all revenue will go to Stoked Mentoring, the non-profit that empowers inner city kids through snowboarding. I have the privilege of serving on the Board of Stokers and I’m always looking for an opportunity to support the amazing work Stoked does.

10 % of all revenue will benefit Stoked Mentoring, the non-profit that empowers inner city kids through snowboarding.
Do I Need a Gym Membership?
Nope. You’re body is the ultimate gym, temple, machine, and vehicle all rolled into one. Whatever resources you have I’ll use to create your custom Ninja Fitness Quest. A body and a little will power is all you need, anything else is bonus.
How Does The Ninja Fitness Quest Work?
It’s simple. During the first week of the program, we chat 1-on-1 on the phone for 30 minutes and I create a custom 6 week fitness program for you that is based on your specific goals, abilities, interests, resources, and injuries. We chat again around week 3 or 4 to update/tweak the program, but you’ll be getting specific feedback each week during our group coaching calls as well. Check out this sweet video to see exactly how the NFQ works.
How Do I Use the Ninja Fitness Progress Tracker?
I’m glad you asked because it’s one of the main tools in the academy!
What Exactly Do I Need to Succeed in the Academy?
An open mind and a huge set of balls. Just kidding, kinda. It’s actually really simple. You need a body, a little will power, a computer with internet connection (optional), a phone, the ability to open a PDF, and the ability to meet on online on Tuesday’s at 8pm EST for the next 6 weeks.
Simple, but not easy. Because you should expect to commit to 1 hour a day to your quest, whether it’s working out, updating your quest, reading the course curriculum, or meeting online. I know, I know, 1 hour is a very precious and valuable thing these days, but sacrificing that one hour makes all the difference. If you’ve read this far, than trust me, this program will work for you. And besides, 1 hour a day is only 4.1% of your total time in a day, are your dreams worth that small but meaningful investment?
Oh, one other thing: radical honesty. Emotions are a huge (but often forgotten) part of movement, health, and empowerment, so you need to have enough courage to be intimate on our phone calls. When you speak your truth, you heal not only yourself but everyone else on the call. I guide our calls, but we are all leaders and all followers – it’s a intimate meeting of equals. I don’t want to be your guru.
Why Ninjas? Is This About Being Able To Do Acrobatics?
No, this is not a course in gymnastics and obstacle training! Ninja is the archetype of supreme self-mastery through movement. Life requires skill to be lived fully and Ninja Fitness Academy teaches you how develop skill through movement, food, rest, meditation, play, and lifestyle choices. How you choose to apply that skill is entirely up to you! So whether your end goal is to lose weight, be able to do pullups, or just be happier and healthier, the Academy was designed with you in mind.
There’s a Lot of Text On This Page, Can You Remind Me of How Awesome You Are With a Nudy Photo?
Sure! Here you go. But are you ready to get in amazing shape so you can create your own nudy photos? That’s the real question!
But I’m Injured, Can I Still Participate?
Absolutely. All of us have imbalances, many of which create symptoms like pain. As long as you have medical clearance to do some exercise, you can join the Academy and get a ton out of it. In fact (and I’m speaking from experience here), injuries and pain are incredibly valuable guides along the way to realizing your potential. Your body doesn’t lie, lying lies completely in the realm of the mind. I’ll show you how to turn injuries into powerful, invaluable teachers, like I have for myself and my students.
Why Are There Only 5 Modules If the Program is 6 Weeks?
Good question! Because the final week serves to help you “catch up” on any ninja missions you may have skipped. The program is designed so that you can go at your own pace. You don’t have to do the missions in order, and that final week allows each student to reflect over the whole course and complete any missions they didn’t do the first time around.
How Much Does Ninja Fitness Academy Cost?
It’s $7/day, for the next 6 weeks. Are you’re dreams and fitness goals worth that? Even more valuable than the sacrifice of money is the sacrifice of your time, fears, and excuses. But to make sacrifice is to make sacred which will ensure you are fully committed to go the distance. A much better question might be…
What is the Cost of Not Signing Up for Ninja Fitness Academy?
Well, it’s hard to say obviously. But since this is the only holistic-lifestyle-design-empowerment-through-movement-group-coaching-online-program/ritual that I know of, it’s unlikely you’ll find anything else like it! And so you’ll have to create your own path to the top of your “sacred mountain”, which I totally respect because that’s what I had to do over the course of my 15 years as a personal trainer! In life, there are no real short cuts, but there are catalysts, and the Ninja Fitness Academy is designed to be exactly that: rocket fuel for self-empowerment!
I’m Not Great at Math, What is the Total Cost of the Academy?
$7/day for 6 weeks = $294. Super cheap when it comes to the “super hero creation” business.
Ok, I’m Ready! How Do I Sign Up and Reserve My Spot?
Just click the button below!
Your ninja,
Really Tight on Funds?
Apply for to our Scholarship Program and you can get a full ride to the Academy!