Win a Scholarship to Ninja Fitness AcademyNinja Academy!

We know not everyone has $294 to put towards their own self-empowerment which is why we created the Ninja Fitness Academy Scholarship Program!

One person will win a full ride to Ninja Fitness Academy 2.0, the online-holistic-lifestyle-design-empowerment-coaching-course! All you have to do is fill out our Ninja Fitness Academy scholarship application below and…

Tell Us Why You Simply MUST Be In Ninja Fitness Academy

Yup. That’s all you have to do. Fill out the application by the deadline Friday October 9th at 11:59pm EST.

jonathan angelilli -

I developed Ninja Fitness Academy by distilling my 15 years of experience as a personal trainer into a single kick ass holistic fitness system.

Ninja Fitness Academy 2.0 Scholarship Application

Want to join the academy but don't have the funds? We've got 2 scholarship spots! Just tell us why joining the academy is a priority for you - the two best applications will get a FREE spot in Ninja Fitness Academy!
  • Don't hold back! The villain's never do.
  • Be specific here!
  • You're going to develop real super powers in the academy, and I want to make sure you'll use them for the benefit of all 🙂
  • What challenges are you facing that prevent you from reaching your health and fitness goals?
  • It's a complete program, so you will need to workout, journal about your workouts, emotions, sleep, stress level, attend the online coaching sessions, and complete your assigned ninja missions each week.
  • Please let us know of any financial challenges you are facing right now.
  • The first online group coaching session is Tuesday June 16th and the last one is Tuesday July 21st.