What up my ninjas?

We’d love you’re feedback on the “Art of Ninja: 7 Keys to Mastering Body, Mind, and Life”. You answers will be kept confidential, and we’ll use them to make the e-book better than ever šŸ™‚

PLUS, you’ll get 15 minutes of free online fitness coaching from Jonathan, just our way of saying thanks! So go ahead, fill out the form below and then we’ll email you back to set up a time so you can get your personal fitness questions answered!

art of ninja - 7 key to mastering body, mind, and life

15 Years of ninja training distilled down into 7 key exercises and 33 pages of ninja magic.

Art of Ninja Feedback

We'd love to hear your thoughts on "The Art of Ninja: 7 Keys to Mastering Body, Mind, and Life". We'll use your feedback to make the program better than ever and help more people šŸ™‚ AND you'll get 15 minutes of free online coaching from Jonathan, just our way of saying thanks!
  • What was missing or could be better?
  • Were they helpful?