Thanks for Attending the “7 Exercise Myths” Mini-Course!

To show my appreciation for your attention, I’ve got two special gifts. First, there is the “Vanquishing Exercise Myths – Life Hacks” tool, which you can use to take action and overcome the 7 exercise myths.  And below that is a special link to join Ninja Fitness Academy 2.0 at a $100 discount before it goes on sale tomorrow.

Here is a link to the Power Point – 7 Exercise Myths.

And here is the recording of the call.


Ninja Mission Zero

7 exercise myths -

Use the force, and this tool, to overcome self-limiting beliefs. Click the photo to download.

Special Discount Link for Ninja Fitness Academy

Save $100 on Ninja Fitness Academy if you sign up in the next 24 hours!

Click here to reserve your spot in NFA, at a huge discount.

Click here to reserve your spot in NFA, at a huge discount.