NYC Homies

Are you ready to  go outdoors and have some fun while getting in the best shape of Ninja Fitness Campyour life?  Well good, because Ninja Fitness Camp is back for the Spring!

It’s not just a great workout, its a fully engaged movement experience that will wake up your inner child. Hollar.

We’ll be playing fun physical games that engage all your senses, collaborating, and laughing a ton.

Space is limited to 8 ninjas per workout.

And the first workout is FREE!

Yup, on Thursday, May 7th @ 8am, you can come check out Ninja Fitness Camp for FREE, although it’s not really a workout. It’s more like a  play date for adults. 🙂

Reserve your spot here —> Free Ninja Fitness Camp RSVP


Ninja Fitness Camp:

Your giggle muscles will get shredded. Guaranteed.


And if you KNOW you want to snag one of the 8 spots for the full 3 week program, you can do that here —> Ninja Camp Me Bro!

 Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve got questions, we’ve got strange ninja metaphors.

What do Past Campers have to say?

“Fitness camp has a ridiculously high level of natural excitement… and a super high WTF is going on factor!”  Jillian T.

“I felt my inner child was reborn… this is the most engaged I’ve ever felt with my body and exercise”  Roby C.

“The spirit of play is infectious,  after camp I was making people smile and laugh at work without even trying” Marc F.

“My body feels stronger, my mind feels sharper, and my sleep improved. Plus I made some cool friends!”  Kevin S.

Ninja Fitness Camp is featured in the October 2014 issue of Men's Fitness on page 100!

Ninja Fitness Camp is featured in the October 2014 issue of Men’s Fitness on page 100!

Where exactly do we meet?

Outside, barefoot, on the grass in Chelsea NYC, at our Secret Ninja Meetup Spot by the Hudson River.

The Ninja Shire. It's the most beautiful, lush patch of grass in Chelsea.

The Ninja Shire. It’s the most beautiful, lush patch of grass in Chelsea.

What about bad weather? Do we still meet?

There is no such thing as bad weather, only unprepared humans wearing inappropriate clothing.  Rain or shine baby!

When exactly do we meet?

Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at 8:00am for 3 weeks in a row, for a total of 6 workouts (plus the free intro workout on Thursday May 7th at 8:00an.)  Full Program Dates: 5/12, 5/14, 5/19, 5/21, 5/26, and 5/28 all at 8am.

Is there anything else I need to know?

Yes, what is the square root of Jupiter’s circumference? Just kidding. We ask our campers to observe the following guidelines during camp.

  • Be spontaneous and use your imagination. (Silliness encouraged!)
  • Be safe, everything is optional. (Honor your limitations & boundaries.)
  • Collaboration, not competition. (Because it’s more awesome that way.)

Is there a changing room?

Sure, right behind that bush!

How many people are in the workout?

Maximum 8 people per workout!  This is semi-private coaching that harness the energy of the group for increased accountability and results. You may laugh so hard you wet your ninja panties.

How much does it cost?

Only $150 for 5 workouts! That’s $30/workout.  When it comes to the super hero creation business, that’s uber cheap.


Ninja Fitness Camp -

Huge smiles guaranteed.

Why Ninjas?

Really, that’s your question? That’s like asking “Why awesome?” or “Why chocolate cake?”

The archetype of ninja represents supreme self-mastery through training, using the body to master the mind and life.

What kind of workout is it?

The kind that ninja’s do when nobody is looking 🙂

We are NOT doing gymnastics. We play fun, physical games that engage all of your senses. We’ll be doing all kinds of body weight exercises, including calisthenics for conditioning, partner exercises, and yoga, Tai Chi, and meditation for a cool down.

Most importantly, it will be a fun workout.

Ninja Fitness Camp -

Hope you’re not afraid to hump the earth!

Is this for all exercise levels?

Yup! You just need to be cleared for exercise from your doctor, and willing to move in new ways while honoring your bodies limitations.

What kind of results will I get?

Your family will love you more, you’ll become a sex icon, and all of your bank accounts will instantly quadruple.


Ninja FItness Camp:

Obviously we are not having fun because we are working out.


What can should I expect to experience?

  • expect to be exhilarated yet relaxed after each workout.
  • expect to meet some cool people and to support each other as a team.
  • expect to have fun and try a bunch of physical games.
  • expect to get a little dirty, and be surprised when you enjoy the feeling.
  • expect to boost your immune system by spending time outside and laughing!
  • expect the unexpected. Ninja boobies. Huzzah!

What should I wear?

You’re Sunday Best! As long as you normally go to Ninja Church on Sundays.  Seriously, just wear workout clothes, but maybe not you’re favorite brand new LuLulemon outfit, as us ninjas keep it gritty and get dirty!


Ninja Demon Magic -


 The “R-Kelly Dingaling” Guarantee!

I guarantee after the 6 workouts, you will become a fitness ninja with the powers of levitation, or at least you will have transformed your relationship to your body and exercise.  If I fail, I will run up 6th ave buck naked as fast as I can singing “I believe I can Fly” by R. Kelly.

Where does  my money go?

Straight into the “Holy-Crap-I’ve-Got-An-8-Month-Old” fund.  That, or I’ll invest in a fallout shelter.  Haven’t decided yet.

How Do I Sign up for Ninja Fitness Camp?

Fill out our Ninja Agreement to RSVP for the Free NFC sneak peak on Thursday, May 4th at 8am.

And if you KNOW you want to snag one of the 8 spots for the full 3 week program, click the button below!