Almost There


You’ve done it! Actually, you’ve only half-done-it. But your so000 close.

All you have to do to complete your first ninja mission is to check your email and click the link to confirm your burning desire to join our ninja tribe.

Once you click the link in your email, you’ll be able to download “The Art of Ninja: 7 Keys to Mastering Body, Mind, and Life”.


Check your email, click the link, and then download this super ninja life manual.

Check your email, click the link, and then download this super ninja life manual.


Check You Email. Srsly.

Yes, this means you’ll occasionally (about once per week) find a covert ninja message in your inbox – sharing ninja secrets, daring you to go on real ninja missions, revealing holistic training techniques for body, mind, and breath – but you’re not afraid of committing to the ninja path, right?


Art of Ninja Table of Contents

Check your email so you can raid the ninja pantry.


I mean, why let life live you, when you can live life like a super jedi master?

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at

As always, TrainDeep.


~ Jonathan ~

Surprise Bonus- because ninja’s LOVE surprises. When you click the link and download the “Art of Ninja” you’ll also find a “Art of Ninja: Journal” link, so you can keep track of your progress. AND if you follow the program for 6 weeks, and submit your completed journal, you receive a special ninja gift šŸ™‚

P.S. If you randomly found this page without providing your email address, just use the fields in the upper right column of this web page to get the “Art of Ninja” and join our ninja tribe.

Fitness Ninja-