You live in NYC and want to train with a group of friends? Or your a group fitness director at a gym looking for a new cutting edge class that is totally authentic, highly effective, dynamic, and definitely not just a fad?

You’re in the right place.


Ninja Fitness Camp: - ninja group fitness

Your giggle muscles will get shredded. Guaranteed.



Each of these classes are truly unique and highly engaging movement experience based on 15 years of professional teaching experience and an additional 12 year of athletic experience.

This is Ninja Group Fitness! And yes, you’ll see the word ninja a lot. If that throws you off (i.e. if your thinking of an evil black clad assassin, shame on you for watching so many bad 80’s movies!), just replace Ninja with the word “supreme”.


Ninja Fitness Camp

Ninja Fitness Camp

  • engages and trains all the senses.
  • group games that are dynamic, co-creative, and mildly structured.
  • emphasis on play, spontaneity, and creativity.
  • lot’s of natural whole body movement: bear crawling, rolling, jumping, etc.
  • the opposite of boot-camp yelling: empowerment through movement, not aggression.
  • The hour flies by because your having fun, but then your sore the next day because you used muscles in ways you haven’t since you were a kid.
  • Example of group game: Primal Tag- everyone enters a circle and PLAYFUL (carefully) plays tag, but can only move as an animal i.e bear crawl, crab walk, monkey gallop, frogs leap, ninja roll, hopping rabbit, etc.
  • Designed to get people out of their heads and into their body and their environment.


jonathan angelilli hand stand -

A hand stand don’t make you a man… but it does make you strong as fuck! Using that strength wisely makes you a man.

Ninja Warrior Workout

  • emphasis on grip strength, whole body control, precision, single leg balance and hand balancing.
  • foundation exercises of horse stance, dead hang, balance beam, and hand stand are progressed gradually to all kinds of powerful highly skill based whole body exercises: pullups, muscle ups, back lever, front lever, human flag, planche, crow variation, single arm hang, single arm pullup, slackline etc.
  • exclusively body-weight exercises – your body is your temple, the ultimate weapon, the most advanced thing in existence, and all you need to get in shape.
  • obstacle course similar to American Ninja Warrior – done in  a circuit for more advanced fitness ninjas.




IMG_7473_2Ninja Warrior Qigong

  • Qi = life force, Gong = practice or work.
  • the precursor to Tai Chi (and Tai Chi is the precursor to Kung Fu).
  • deeply healing, slow moving meditation practice that creates a natural high.
  • proven to boost the immune system and expedite recovery and regeneration.
  • develops coordination, balance, and the ability to focus deeply and calm oneself down (a really practical life skill).
  • incredibly high benefit and low risk, wonderful for building strength especially for elderly populations.
  • deeply empowering and develops intuition and the ability to translate sensations within the body into useful insights, action, and wisdom.
  • Dragon Gate School of Complete Reality Lineage, as taught to me by my dear Sifu.



Tai Chi Ninja - Jonathan Angelilli - - Ninja Fitness

Sword mudra.

Ninja Tai Chi

  • an ancient book of wisdom written in the language of movement.
  • a moving meditation that calms the nervous system.
  • highly skilled, complex, and sensitive movements. If Qigong is the alphabet of this movement language, Tai Chi is the poetry. (For this reason, it is best taught in a series where students have to commit to a certain # of lessons rather than being a drop in class, as most people except dancers are movement illiterate!)
  • ancient healing practice developed to prepare practitioner for meditation.
  • deeply healing and improves balance, coordination, and awareness.
  • also incredibly high benefit and low risk, wonderful for building strength especially for elderly populations.
  • Dragon Gate Wudan Yang Style Form, as taught to me by my Sifu.


IMG_7460Ninja Yoga

  • a skillful integration of Qigong and Vinyasa Yoga.
  • emphasis is on whole body awareness and body control.
  • deeply healing and empowering
  • Intensity can range from similar to a Yin yoga class to a moderately paced Vinyasa Yoga class.
  • Yoga Nidra meditation, mantra chanting, and Dragon Gate seated meditation practice.





Tantra for Couples: The Alchemy of Love

  • a playful exploration of love relationships as a spiritual practice.
  • learn exercises to deepen trust, communications, and pleasure.
  • harness the creative/sexual energy of the body WITHOUT engaging in sexual activity.
  • use your partner as a powerful mirror for self-reflection and clear perception – to gaze deeper into yourself.
  • Ancient Yogic, Tantric, and Taoist exercises will be shared in service of deepening trust, strengthening communications, and creating a powerful shared vision.
  • All kinds and forms of loving open-minded couples are welcome.
  • Normally done as a 90min special event and limited to 7 couples.

Interested in Experience a Ninja Group Fitness Class?

Awesome! Keep in mind, we can also create a custom class for your friends, bachelor party, members, whatever works best. I have experience teaching jump rope, kettle bell, and core classes as well as creating fun group movement rituals, just email me at and let me know what would blow your mind!

Ninja bows deep,




Fitness Ninja-